Tantora M Catappa Leaves Premium Grade

Catappa leaves

(Other Name : Indian Almond Leaf, IAL, Ketapang Leaf, Sweet Almond Leaf, Sea Almond Leaf, Badamier Leaf, Seemandelbaumblätter , Huu Kwang)


Tantora Catappa Products

Tantora Catappa ranges has 4 products; Catappa Leaves (comes in 3 sizes : Nano, M and XL), Catappa leave tea bag, Catappa Bark and Catappa log , which are especially produced to answer appropriate aquarium uses.

Let’s get to know multiple benefits of Catappa

  • Relieve aquarium stress of fish and shrimps. Stress is one critical factor which leads to high mortality rate of aquarium animals.
  • Mimic the natural habitat of fish and shrimp. Make them feel like living in their natural environment.
  • Rich in Tannin. Has antibacterial and antifungal properties and help reduce the chance of bacterial infections and improve aquarium animals’ health.
  • Stimulate reproduction rate of aquarium animal.

With wide various benefits, these are the reasons why Tantora Catappa products popular among aquarium animal hobbyists. Tantora’s organic products are well – known in European and US market for over 5 years. Our products have been trusted among shrimp and fish breeding communities.


What is the good Catappa Leaves for aquarium fish?

  • Sources of Catappa trees must far from big city that full of air pollution , because Catappa Leaves that was collected from this sources contaminate with smoke from cars. You can test by rub on top of Catappa Leaves, black dust of smoke will appear on your hand.
  • Catappa Leaves must be collected from falling leaves only (Not pick on Catappa tree). Good Leaves must red,yellow and brow colour only, because many of tannins ( Green colour is bad for your fish).
  • Catappa Leaves must be without fungus spot, because fungus spot tell that Catappa Leaves fell for long time before collecting.


Distinction of tantora’s Catappa Leaves with other sources

  • tantora’s Catappa Leaves was collected within 24 hours after they fall.
  • tantora’s Catappa Leaves was clean by hand, without black dust from smoke.
  • tantora’s Catappa Leaves without fungus spot.
  • tantora’s Catappa Leaves was flat , easy to store.


Tantora Catappa Leaves is Premium Grade leave. Each leaf has been put through hygienic cleaning process. Well-selected only smooth surface leaves and easy to store.

The leaves come in 3 sizes suitable for different sizes of tanks.

  • Size Nano suits to small size fish tank. Recommend using 1 leave per 10-15 liters of water.
  • Size M (Leave size : 4”-7” ) suits to medium size fish tank. Recommend using 1 leave per 30 liters of water.
  • Size XL ( Leave size : 7”-12”) suits to large fish take. Recommend using 1 leave per 50 liters of water.



First, choosing size of Tantora Catappa leaves that suits to the size of your tank and water volume. After putting the leave into the tank, it will gradually release substances benefits to fish and shrimps. The water will turn yellowish and eventually light brown. The leave will sink to the bottom of the tank within 24 hours and will be soften after a few days, which will also be nutritious organic food for fish and shrimps.

The leave need to be replaced every 7-14 days.

Tip : For shrimp breeders who’d like to feed their shrimp with Catappa leaves without blackening the water, try putting the leaves in boiling water for 10-20 minutes before putting it in the tank.
